These are 22 burp cloths. A friend made some for me when I had Audrey, and they turned out to be one of the most useful things I received. They are made out of flannel and are just a simple 10" X 20 " rectangle. I quickly figured out how to make them and bought flannel remnants and yardage when I thought about it. I can get 7 burp cloths out of 2 yards of fabric with very little left over. In trying to simplify my life I decided to sew up all my flannel.

The ones below are my favorite, and are for a friend having a little girl soon. They are the ones that I manged to cut and sew the straightest. This was very good practice in both sewing and cutting a straight line. I am getting pretty good at the former, still not so good at the later.
I did find that it was much easier to make the ones that I had yardage for, instead of remnants. The fabric that had directional patterns gave me the most headaches and I ended up with more wasted fabric. The blue ones are my second favorite and because the remnant wasn't big enough for a set of 4, I get to keep these!

It is nice to have these done and out of the way. I found that I enjoyed working with the quilter's flannel rather than the regular flannel.
I did learn that it isn't smart to sew at the kitchen table while Audrey was crawling around my feet. She pressed on the foot and sent my needle flying. My first impulse was to grab the needle to stop it (very stupid!) but luckily I regained my sanity and just turned off the machine. I did have a big thread mess to clean up!
I did learn that it isn't smart to sew at the kitchen table while Audrey was crawling around my feet. She pressed on the foot and sent my needle flying. My first impulse was to grab the needle to stop it (very stupid!) but luckily I regained my sanity and just turned off the machine. I did have a big thread mess to clean up!
I love the fabric on these!