As you can see it isn't even close to being finished. We decided to finish the guest bed and office first, and that was a smart decision. We barely got them finished before Audrey came. And they still have some finishing touches to be completed. But in anticipation of my craft area I asked my grandpa to make me some storage. We sat down and dreamed up this.

It is kind of hard to get some perspective on how tall this is, but I am 5' 5" and I can just barely peek into the top smallest drawers. The bottom drawer is almost 12 inches deep! I love this thing. I do feel bad that all my stash and craft stuff do not fit in this, and that is part of what prompted this organization kick that I am on. Right now this is living in the guest bedroom with a TV on top, but I can't wait until my "craft nook" is done so I can move it there. But considering how many other things we have to do I may be waiting for a while!
I love that cabinet! How perfect.