Well, posting once a month isn't too bad! I'm better at updating Ravelry, so if you are just dying to know what I am working on you can keep track of me there. With Blogger's new "schedule posts in the future" feature I am hoping that I can sit down and write a bunch of posts and then have content for a while.
I've been trying to work on simplifying, organizing and prioritizing my life and I think things are going to get worse before they get better. You know how sometimes you have to tear down in order to make things better. That is where I am right now. I want to eventually be able to make my daily chores easier to do and free up time during my day. Also to have the things I need be within easy reach.
I am also trying to figure out what is really important and what can wait a while. For example, I would love to start so many different crafts, beading, sewing, quilting, embroidery, spinning and needle felting just to name a few. I also would love to have time to read and run. Plus keep my house in order and fix healthy tasty meals. And most important of all, spend time with my husband and Audrey without worrying about what I haven't gotten done yet.
So my brain is in a jumble thinking about all these things, and I don't really have the time to focus on any of it. But one good thing about this is that I am much more efficient with my time. I can get stuff done in half the time that I used to be able to!
Overall life is good. I have a wonderful husband, a beautiful happy daughter, the weather has been beautiful lately, I have a job I enjoy, and I am blessed in so many different ways. So why do some days I still feel like this little squirrel?
This little guy lives in one of the parking garages in St Paul. One day I saw him hanging upside down!
I hope everyone has a great weekend!
I know exactly how you feel. I've been a bit down lately, and have no good reason--life is good--but there's just too much of it. I need to find a way to slow down a bit so I can actually enjoy it.