
Wednesday, March 02, 2005

All Knitting - All the Time

I think knitting has taken over my life, or at least my thoughts! Right now I have 4 projects on my needles, two with deadlines, one which I have already missed. My friend had her baby (such a sweet cute baby with round cheeks!) and the blanket isn't done. She doesn't know I am doing it, so it isn't too bad that the blanket isn't done, but I want to give it to her before I move to MN. That means I have a deadline of a week and a half. So the blanket needs to be my priority. I also am making the bag from Last Minute Knitted Gifts (picture on the front) for a very good friend at work. I cast on for that last night. The yarn is a beautiful deep pink merino wool. I want to give it to her before I leave. So I have about 2 weeks to knit that up and find something to put into it. Of course all this has to be done while packing and getting ready for the move.

Even with all that, what do I do? I cast on for a scarf! I had some dark blue/dark green Lion Brand yarn that I am doing in seed stitch on 15s. It looks really neat, but that isn't where I should be focusing. The sock is being very patient and not bugging me. I think it is hibernating! There are also some projects that I want to start that are calling for attention. My little sister is having a baby boy in May and I want to do a blanket. But I want it to be more sophisticated than the one I did for my friend. I fell in love with the blanket in Last Minute Knitted Gifts (looks stunning, but very easy), but when I priced the yarn, I found out that it will cost over $100!! I'm not sure what to do about that, but I don't want to wait too long and be rushed.

Also I bought the latest copy of Interweave Knits. I really like a lot of the patterns, but fell in love with the first sweater. I once had a sweater a lot like it, but this one is more sophisticated. My problem is that I doubt I will be able to get a hold of (or afford) the hemp yarn. I am very unfamiliar with yarns in general, so I am not sure what to substitute with. And when I find something I think might work I don't want to spend a ton of money on a might (I'm poor!). So, should I just buy one skein and see how it works? I don't know anyone in KC to discuss this with, so you guys get to listen to me blather. Lucky you! Any thoughts on any of this?


  1. Anonymous9:03 PM

    This info can help you learn to substitute yarns.
    It's Knitter's Review and Clara does a wonderful job of walking you through it. For Hemp, why not try linen, or cotton. As long as your gauge and needle size is true, you should be OK. Drape might be the only factor that is affected.

  2. Anonymous7:36 AM

    I really like that bag too and plan to do one eventually. I hope you can find a substitute yarn for the blanket. The expense of the yarn is my only complaint about the Last Minute Knitted Gifts book. I like the child's sweater knit in Koigu but at $10+ a skein I don't think I want my son spilling down the front of it!!
